Product Update

Empty Products:
I have used up so many deep conditioners, thanks to my new growth that uses up a lot of conditioner. These are just a few of the bottles that I have used up over the last month:

Coconut oil - use it almost every week!
Creme of Nature Intensive Conditioning Treatment - easy to find and works well 
ORS Replenishing Conditioner - easy to find and is awesome on my hair

Not replacing:
Shea Moisture Hold & Shine Mist - ok, not awesome, and a bit pricey
Kenra Moisturizing Conditioner - not available around
Silk Dreams Vannila Silk Cream Moisture Dream Conditioner - not available around
Silk Dreams Mocha Silk Infusion Deep Conditioner - not available aroun
Hairveda Sitrinillah Conditioner - not available around
Mane 'n Tail Deep Moisturizing Conditioner - went bad and didn't do much for my hair on its own
Beautiful Textures Rapid Repair Deep Conditioner - worked well on my hair but had a terribly strong scent.

And just like that, I can count on no more than 2 hands the number of deep conditioners that I have left in my house! It feels so good to have a few products. And it really helps to weed out the bad ones, as I have been continuously using one product until it gets finished. This way I know which products have worked. 

New Products:
I cannot believe how three months away from a Beauty Supply Store can bring such a transformation in terms of the new product ranges that are now available in Kenya! I went to Super Cosmetics this weekend and found the following new product ranges:
- Shea Moisture - fruity product line
- Giovanni
- Eden Body Works
- ORS Shealicious natural hair products
- Creme of Nature natural hair products
- As I am full product range, and many more

Since I haven't bought/ replaced my used up conditioners as yet, I decided to give Eden Body Works a try (cost 13$). I have heard so many good things about this product line.

I have also been looking for a good leave-in conditioner. For some reason, the Kurlee Belle Leave-in Conditioner is a hit or miss, on some of my wash days. I am still trying to figure out why. I came across the Jamaican Mango & Lime Leave-In Conditioner which is paraben, sulphate and mineral oil free and also very pocket friendly (cost 8$). I will try this conditioner for a few wash days, and see whether I get good and consistent results.


Have you used any of these new products/ product lines and how did you feel about them?


  1. Well done on keeping your stash to a minimum. I now buy after I have finished the products I have so that I get to now more of which products my hair likes and dislikes.

    1. That is the way to go Lebo! Less is more sometimes and it applies very much to this hair journey :-)

  2. You guys have such good product lines on the shelves, that is awesome.

    1. Ahh thanks Lungi! I think the natural hair movement is the main reason for this influx in great products

  3. How did you like using the silk dreams products.


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