Hair Confessions....

Heyy, so after 5 weeks with my lovely marley braids, I started getting some (loud and clear) hints that it was time to remove them.

Honestly, my hair was looking rough, you know when your hair starts sticking out of the braids and there is no scarf you can tie down to make those hairs behave... that was the situation, so I removed my braids and I was too tired to start detangling.

Honestly I have been so tired to do anything after work, so a few days passed before I sat down and started detangling my hair properly. I just finished this process yesterday, and it took about 4 hours in total to properly detangle and remove shedded hairs. Luckily I only had one knot that I had to cut off, so the hours spent detangling were worth it. I used my new favourite detangler, Nothing but melted shea butter, and sprayed my Mane 'n Tail Detangler for more moisture as I worked through my hair. Both detanglers worked really well for me. 

I hope to do a thorough wash and DC sometime before the weekend, but I can't promise - life has just become too busy. I really need to get back on track with healthy hair practices. the worst thing I want to experience is a setback due to my own doing.....

In the meanwhile, I have been rocking my wig, which has helped. I put 10 flexi rods on my wig, and it came out really nicely, but for some reason I have been feeling less and less confident when I have my wig on. I feel that it is not looking as real as it looked when I bought it - I don't know why... So I think I will keep braiding and I am hoping to experiment with crochet braids for my next protective style. 

What is your favorite protective style?


  1. Life can really make us forget about this whole hair thing.

    1. True that! One has to balance the hair care with everything else and protective style!

  2. It's been five weeks already! Gosh how time flies feels like it was just last week you installed them! I feel you on crotchet braids they have been on my mind a lot lately might just go ahead and install them

    1. I know!! The year has almost ended can you believe?! I just had them installed and I am totally loving them!

  3. I love braids and wigs! I'm keen on trying out the marley braids as well

    1. They are awesome and I love that they can be reused a couple of times

  4. i feel your pain sis,these past three weeks have been hectic for me that I keep postponing my wash day.Terrible I know. The wig looks good but if you're not comfortable, you can go for what you like. Love high bun,it's pretty simple to do,in fact you can check it on my blog if you're chanced.thanks

    1. I figured out why it doesn't look good, I braided my hair in singles so the wig was not lying flat on my head like it should be. I love high buns, but my ends always get dry and sometimes bend when in a bun. I'll check out your bun. Thanks for stopping by!


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