My wig regimen

So this is my new protective style, the thing I love most about wigs is that you have full access to your hair, so moisturising, washing and deep conditioning is not an issue. I decided to start with synthetic lace wigs (my long one cost me about 70 USD), because human hair wigs cost so much (at least 250USD) and I was not sure if I would like the wiggin concept.

This is how I use my wigs:

1. Braid my hair into about 20 single braids

2. Moisturise and seal as usual

3. Coat my wig cap in some of my oil mixture, this helps so that the cap does not absorb the moisture from my hair

4. Wig it: Wear my wig for the day.

5. Remove my wig in the evenings before I sleep, to moisturise and seal my hair if need be

6. Scalp massage as usual: I have been using Wild growth oil of late, but will be alternating with Castor Oil and Doo Gro Mega Thick growth oil.

I miss my hair so much, but so far I have seen some benefits, less shedding and easier detangling during my wash day as I am able to detangle my hair using the sections from my braids. This is also a good protective style if you can leave your hair in its braids for some time (e.g >3 weeks). Last week, I washed my hair in the braids and removed the braids when applying the DC, it really helped, less detangling to deal with and less shedding shedding.

think I will alternate between wigs and braids (my hubby is not a fan of wigs *sad face*).

If you're in Kenya and would like to know where I bought them, here is the facebook page of the shop where I got the wigs: 

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