Wash day: Week 1 after my latest relaxer

First of all this has been a sad week for our country, losing so many young people to merciless murderers. May God be with the families of those who are bereaved from the Garissa attacks #147isnotjustanumber.

Onto my wash day, which I am posting 1 week later...

I surely missed how wash days with no growth were a breeze, being able to glide a comb through my hair was a nicety that I am glad to have back for a few more weeks...

My last wash day (2 weeks ago - *hiding face in hands* - but finding time in between work, marriage and studying just to wash my hair is soo hard*) was very simple:

0.) Pre-poo'd with coconut oil
1.) Shampoo'd with Creme of Nature Moisture & Shine Shampoo
2.) Deep Conditioned under my hooded dryer for 45 minutes with Silk Dreams Mocha Silk Infusion. Can I say that this DC is just the bomb.com it left my hair softened while putting some strength in it.. It's a light protein DC that is here to stay for me.. More so, after using what I thought was alot, the jar is still almost full... the joys of hand-whipped conditioners!

3.) Air Dried for 20 minutes and then detangled with Herbal Essences Touchably Smooth Split End Protector and OGX Anti-Breakage Serum.
4.) I really enjoyed the sleekness and smoothness of my hair from the flat-ironing on my relaxer day... now I am getting used to the texture that remained after relaxing my hair, I actually did not overprocess my hair and I'm sooo happy I didn't!

What was the hero product of your washday? Mine was definitely Silk Dreams Mocha Silk Infusion!

Ready, Steady, Grow It!

The Wash Day Experience


  1. I used to LOVE LOVE LOVE HE Touchably Smooth! But it's been nearly impossible to find in stores! Where do you buy yours?

    Thanks for sharing your #washdayexperience chica!

    KLP @ SavingOurStrands

    1. Hehe I actually got it at an online store that's based in Nigeria :-) maybe you can ask her where her secret source is store@sizzelle.com.
      So far I'm loving it especially when my hair is still abit damp.

  2. I've never heard of that line actually... I'm trying to expand my product lineup, I'm very specific. Your hair looks so shiny and healthy! Cheers for healthy relaxed ladies!

    1. Thank you Kenya :-) love your name :-))
      Maybe you can check if they have samples but I think it's probably one of the affordable conditioners given the amount of conditioner and the number of uses you get out of one jar, and it comes packed to the brim!

  3. That Mocha silk infusion has been on my wish list for forever :)

    1. I hope you try it out one day :-) strength+moisture benefits in one conditioner are hard to find...

  4. Where did you get the Silk Dreams? I need to try it after all these rave reviews.

    And I'm praying for Kenya. May you emerge stronger as a nation

    1. Hi Yvette thank you for your prayers we need them at this time in our country! I bought them from an online store sizzelle.com

  5. One of the things I miss the most about relaxing is the ease when it comes to combing my hair. Your hair looks gorgeous and really healthy!

    1. Thank you Rachelle! But natural hair also has alot of other benefits :-)

  6. Oooooo! I feel like I need to try this deep conditioner! Silk Dreams... - *heads to amazon.com right away*! lol! Your hair looks lovely! :-)

    1. Thank you Rachie :-) #pjtendencies lol, but i love the product so far


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