5 Healthy Hair Methods that I ditched

The truth is, not ALL healthy hair methods and practices will work for you. The hard part is figuring out what works and what doesn't. I learned the hard way - after lots of breakage that I could not understand, but finally figured it out, and I am still learning.

So here are 5 Healthy Hair methods that I no longer practice, they simply did not work for me or my lifestyle:

*DISCLAIMER* - The list below may or may not work for your hair, this is what has not worked for mine.

(1) Long-term relaxer stretching: This is when you stay long periods of time between getting your hair relaxed/retouched. My new growth tends to be quite chaotic and I realised that keeping it for long was causing more breakage than relaxing it more often. I now try to keep to a 13-14 week relaxer stretch, down from 18-24 weeks.

(2) A selection of some protective styles, e.g. crochet braids, singles: These protective styles caused havoc on my hairline especially after having my baby. They were too heavy for my hairline, and the fact that the cost makes it difficult to keep these for anything less than a month meant that I was not able to care for my hair the way I would have wanted.

(3) Washing my hair twice a month: Now this may or may not work for you just like everything else on this post, but certainly did not work for me especially now that I exercise on average 2-3 times a week. I now wash my hair every week, and when plaited, I co-wash it.

(4) Combing my hair once a week: I now comb my hair 2-3 times a week to keep it detangled. I found that my hair fairs better when it is detangled than when it was those dreaded single stranded knots stuck in there somewhere. The hand detangling method just does not work when I have a lot of new growth...

(5) Moisturizing and sealing my hair daily: Although I try to keep up with this, sometimes it is just not possible. So at the very least, I moisturize and seal every other day and on the days when I do not do this, I spray my hair with water and followed my an oil mixture. It also does not do my hair any good, when I moisturize and seal daily when I am past 8-10 weeks post relaxer, because that would mean detangling my hair and my new growth, and that is also some manipulation so I found a way around it - using water and oil sprays so that I keep the manipulation at minimal levels.

What healthy hair methods have not worked for you?

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